Monday, March 5, 2018

Rain, Sleet, and Snow.......

The thunder and lighting for half the night gave us some needed moisture. The afternoon proceeded into a change of  scattered snow shower with lots of wind.  It is still winter in our area.

I don’t think that I lost a single iris over the winter.  This looks a little messed up with dead foliage but I won’t clear any of it until April. I am thinking that the whole area that was planted in a hurry could be turned into a country cottage garden by placing groups of other kinds of flowers among the iris and dallies. They could be annuals and more perennials.  A nice garden feature would perk it up and I won’t let the pumpkins take the over the whole area this year.

Out front I have more tulips pushing through.  I planted them last fall and I don’t have a clue as to what colors they will be. My mulch on this looks really chunky but I am zoomed in to get a good view of the tulips.

I discover that I had a wood pile left from the former owner.  I didn’t find it until I cut back the red twigs. I don’t have anything to put them in for burning and I don’t think I will buy anything.  I will have to ship them to the old place where a neighbor uses wood at a campsite that she manages.

My plastic Canadas who don’t migrate did get a move in their location yesterday. They may get a coat of snow on their backs tonight and tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The weather has been quiet here for the past few days after last Friday's nor-easter that caused havoc and devastation in many neighboring states. We had a day of rain and wind but thankfully no power outage or damages. We are forecasted for another bout of nasty and wintery weather by mid-week.Thanks for your comment on our successful VA house-selling.

  2. The weather does seem to be teasing us, one minute warm, the next March winds blow and back to wool hats and boots....
    Won't be too much longer and the white stuff will be gone for yet another year !
    Love those geese.
