Friday, April 13, 2018

Friday’s Finds in my File........

I am on a look out to see what tree that this is when I go down the street. I actually think all the trees in the photo are the same height but this one is just closer.  I don’t really need to point out a gloomy view of our start of the day.

I removed my temporary bird feeder tray from the birdbath so the birds can easily get some water. The water sources for the area are really a long distance from our neighborhood so I will try to keep water out there all summer.

I was glad to see that there were some grape hyacinth bulbs planted around the front.  I didn’t know they were there but may buy some more to be put in other flower garden spots. I did notice this morning that my New England bluebells are popping through.  The bleeding heart also seems to be showing sings of sprouting.

It seems to be a hyacinth but it has flowers are positioned differently than the commercial ones you by in pots at flower shops.

I like the colors of these and they really show up from viewing at a long distance.  I don’t know if they will get taller.  My mind with few memories tells me that these were up earlier last year and we did’t see them while we moved into the home. I think they were spent blooms and I never saw any signs of daffodils. Wouldn’t the joke be on me if I planted those daffodils and just didn’t remember them.  I guess I could have bought them thinking they were full sized daffodils. I will go back in my blog history and see if I have shots of the package.

I do know that I planted these tulips. I have a dozen and a half of these planted all around the property. We need some good spring rains to get this stuff blooming. The sign says "bunny crossing” and I will put it out in a better location.  Unfortunately I have a neighbor who doesn’t like bunnies.  I did see one a few days ago in our yard.  I bet he feeds at the feeder seeds that have fallen during very early morning.

Thanks for checking in on my post today. I do think we will warm up today in spite of the gray overcast sky. Everyone take care.

1 comment:

  1. It is a Hyacinth
    Deliciously fragrant Blue Festival is purple-blue with paler petal edges. More loosely formed than Hyacinthus orientalis with less compact, slightly reflexed, tubular florets, Blue Festival is wonderfully fragrant with up to six flowering stalks per bulb. Reminiscent of the old Roman Hyacinths from southern France (no longer in cultivation), it has a more wild or informal look in the garden than Hyacinthus orientalis.

    I bet you will be getting some snow, sorry to send it your way but I am glad it missed us:)
