Thursday, May 17, 2018


It is promised to be another warm day.  The sunrise has a few clouds hanging around to dull it down but the clouds won’t stay. Barney has been getting us up earlier as the days become longer so I do have the chance to snap a morning sunrise.

The cloud cover here is not very threatening.  The patterns show that the breezes up there are active. It will be a mild day.  It will be great to  mow grass at the farm without wearing a coat.

Another bloom opened while the iris is in the vase. The top iris on the stem was larger but this one is a small bloom.  I did look over my iris at the new place and this one will be blooming here soon.
I believe it is a geranium that grows out by the front door steps. It is pink and will be in full bloom soon. There is a renegade vine growing amongst it and that vine is going to be snuffed out.

I mentioned earlier that the lawn mower and I am headed to the farm today. The winds had been strong up there in an early storm and one of my blue gates had been twisted and torn from the fate frame. Another thing to be fixed.

The week is going by quickly but it is summer. We stay a lot more busy this time of the year. I hope all are well out there and thanks for stopping by.

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