Saturday, May 19, 2018

Saturday’s Spot......

A botanical surprise in the triangle garden was this plant.  I had seen the foliage coming up and really didn’t quite know what it was.  Once it was up and growing bigger I figure it must be a columbine.  To my surprise it is a hybrid blue columbine.  I wonder if it was covered up by the asparagus foliage that I didn’t even see it growing last year. I didn’t plant this one either.

This isn’t a surprise because I planted it last summer.  The color was a surprise but I knew the cemetery iris would be the first to bloom. This grew next to our basement door at the farm. It is a different first time bloomer than the one at the old place. I am pleased with them all blooming.  There may be a couple that don’t but as long as the foliage stays good I will have one hundred precent blooming next spring.

A stretcher frame that I made for a project that was worked on Friday.

A project that my wife and I worked on was to stretch this button creation on a frame.  My wife’s friend started this button creation when diagnosed with cancer and two and a half years later it is almost done. She survived the cancer and was so surprised as to how great this looked once we attached it to the stretcher.

There are a few more things she may do to it to finish it but this did take it from a rumpled piece of material into a nice stretched piece.  It is four feet long. As she worked on it, she would watch tv or talk with friends at the retirement complex.  Everyone took interest in her work and it gave her other things to talk about as she worked.  People kept bringing her buttons from their family collections to donate to the cause.

The house finches have left the feeders for now and the goldfinch have returned to the newly filled seed sock. I think these are newly hatched birds as it seems to be too small for an adult.

The two came to the feeders and this does seem to be a young one also. I had not seen the goldfinches for quite a while but I think they will be returning now.

We are looking at rain in the forecast for the afternoon.  I am going to squeeze in a mowing job of a piece that I left undone on Thursday. I hope I can do it before the rain starts. We have hot temps today and tomorrow will be the same.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. We are getting lots of rain and will all next week.
    I have never seen a Columbine, I don't think they grow
    here in the south wish it did I really like it.
    Want a great button creation, I have lots of buttons
    could make something-- I will have to think about that.LOL
