Friday, June 22, 2018

Friday’s Finds.......

The front yard planter is filling in nicely with all of the different kinds of plants. The daily rains seem to keep it looking vibrant. The deep blue plant is like a sage plant in which the goldfinch seem to be getting seed from them.

The marigolds are doing so well as they surround my tomato plants. This has been one of my special plants since I was a kid.  I am sure it has to do with the bright colors. The smell of them I have never liked.

I dug through my May photos and here is the very first day that these tomatoes were planted.  Since then the marigolds were planted and the rain and sun took over doing their jobs.

I guess I have taken a lot of progress shots of the tomato patch.

So, here we are again today a view from today.  I did take the fencing away as there are no critters that want into the patch. I moved some of the parts to surround the zinnia plants that the rabbit was eating.

I took a break from mowing yesterday and when I returned it was so lightly sprinkling.  I just finished up in the sprinkle.  If I had mowed the day before it would have been wet from sweat so I decided a light mist wasn’t so bad.  By the time I was done the mower was starting to collect grass clippings.  It was good to get it all done.

I have a neighbor at the old place that is mowing the bulk of the yard now.  I am taking my mower to do the hard to mow places around the orchard and garden shed. I have to reconnect a hot water line in the basement where the clothes washer needs to be connected.  I had severe cold freezing and when I turned on the water later it was streaming water. .I had to cut the line and cap it temporarily.   If we had been living there it would never had happened last winter.  Today I will reconnect it and the final plumbing jobs will be done.

We are having cool temperatures now for a few days. I do think we will have a rain free day today.  I load up the truck and see what it looks like up at the farm.  There was a tornado at the neighboring town three days ago so I will have some limbs down in the yard.  Thanks for stopping at the post today.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Your summer is full of good works.
    Love looking at your flowers and yard.

  3. Wow your garden sure grew!! Your flowers in the first photo are beautiful! I mowed today...trimmed yesterday...but still a bit more trimming to do:)
