Monday, June 4, 2018

Marigold Monday.....

It is a tough flower that hangs on even during a drought. The developing of different kinds of them makes it fun to mix them up a little when planting.

Don’t be too impressed with these tomatoes in the blurry photo. It is a cherry tomato and some of them were already on the vine when I bought it. It does encourage the gardener though with a dozen plants out there and they are blooming. Having planted them a month earlier than last year makes the harvest season closer but also makes it last longer. That is a good thing.

The black iris resurrected from our dust bowl era and I have one stalk of blooming right now.  All other iris are gone. This iris really grew strong from my transplant and I have brought another iris to get planted.

I thought I would quit moving things from the farm but there were some things I just couldn’t not move.

I created a temporary holding planter to wait for the better time to put them in the ground.  Two peonies, a hosta, and two iris are in holding for now.  I am heading to the farm today to take my tree limb to the dump and also pick up a branch scrap pile.  Their is a plague of black flies up there so I won’t stay long.  People in the surround area say that this black fly the size of a knat is killing chickens.  It is blocking their breathing openings. The insect is said to be new for Iowa and is on a three week cycle.  They have come like the Minnesota Mayflies do like a plague. This black fly is said to want to receive the carbon dioxide from animal and people’s breath.

I hesitate to share an ugly photo but I did want to share how the peonies reacted to 99 degree F. heat. It is Monday again and we get to start our week out on a good note.  I wish everyone to have a good day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Glad to read your previous Sunday blog post about the (finally) cooler temps, Larry. We are having more of the same here in Nashua, NH, but with a few days of rain to start the week.

  2. It cooled off her last Friday and is mild now and I am happy for it! Your poor peonies... maybe some will rebloom for you! :) We had some tiny knats..I got bit twice and got red bumps:(
