Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Middle Again.....

All of my tomato plants have buds on them now.  I hope to have an abundant crop this year with many tomatoes to eat and many tomatoes to give away to others.

The sweet William is making a bright spot of color in my newly planted garden.  I will be interested to see if it will winter over at this garden. I bought, on a good sale, five seed hardy geraniums to finish up filling in that area.  Once they are planted today the planter will be completely filled in for summer growth.
Temporarily placed in the yard so weeding can be done, the fake geese were moved out. We were in the middle 90s degree F.  yesterday and today proves to be another hot one with lots of humidity.  The summer weather is here to stay for a long time.  I have stopped mowing my front yard to keep it looking green I mowed the backyard yesterday and it is a dry looking area now.  It was too shaggy to stay that way.  I almost didn’t get it done soon enough as I was starting to heat up by the last strip of grass that I finished doing.

The liatrus, blazing star, is going to start shooting spikes of color soon.  They are so healthy and easy to care for that I moved one of them into my cottage garden area.  My cottage garden area looks pathetic right now but once the zinnias get going and the sunflowers get going things will look better. I am trying to grow phlox and lilies in that area also.

It is Wednesday and the week seems to be going fast.  We missed a rain storm in the morning so the other thing of heat and humidity will dominate the weather.  I will get outside and do my chores out there first thing as the afternoons are unpleasant.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Stay cool! We are in the 70's here. That Liatris will be beautiful when it blooms:)

  2. You are really in the midst of a heat wave, Larry, compared to our barely 70 degrees herev in Nashua. I know from experience of living in VA how unpleasant it can be waorking outdoors in heat and humidity, stay cool!
