Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Tuesday’s Things.....

The dove is disappointed that I don’t put seed for him out on the deck.  I do put leftover cockatiel seed out on the patio below when I change the indoor birds feeders. That has some good things in it that the cockatiels just won’t eat from the variety seed.

The marigolds can easily be identified as I can see the tag is laying on the ground behind them. I don’t know where I took this photo so I haven’t picked it up. I may not get to it until fall when everything has died back.

The front planter is filling in nicely as they mature and bloom. The extra watering did get them through our heat spell and now it is cooling down to normal.
The colors that my wife chose really are blending well.  The deep red is so neat.  We placed a few spikes in the planting and that seems to be distracting for me as I keep wanting to grab them and pull them as weeds.

We had a storm that consisted of a fringe side swiping of us.  The full storm did not go over us.  Flooding is going to be a problem around the Des Moines River now the lake will probably fill up again and the river will be over their banks soon.

I had to fight fogging up of the lens every time that I went out on the deck. The clouds were churning and building making things look really dark. Eventually it just clouded over and we had rain. Our weather is finally going to be normal weather. It isn’t returning to normal as we never had normal since our extreme cold spring.  It will be welcomed for sure.

I survived my plumbing job last week with the downstairs bathroom. I had my wife come with me to be available for calling 911.  I had a drain pipe disconnect in the crawl space while replacing the sink base and sink. I had to get under the bathroom and reconnect a six foot plastic pipe at both ends to get it all working well. I will never go down there again.  Today I am replacing and fixing the kitchen sink drain pipes as the garbage disposal has been removed. That will be easy compared to the last job.

I found a new use for duct tape.  I filled the sock and the seed was falling through holes.  I grabbed my white duct tape and fixed if for now.  I will have to replace the sock. Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I sew up those seed socks:) So glad you survived the plumbing problem...:)
