Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Tuesday’s Things........

Between the rhubarb and the red twig dogwood shrub the angel is going to be moved. The pedestal that the sculpture sits on is the column that held my blue gazing ball.  I have not replaced it  as I can not seem to find a real glass gazing ball. The plastic ones just aren’t the same as a glass one.

These peonies didn’t bloom this spring even though they had buds that seemed to just dry up.  I planted one more in the row yesterday of an old fashion one from the farm.I put some token mulch around them so I wouldn’t have to trim out the grass. The spiked flowers behind them are almost ready to put out their blooms.

 While bragging that I did get the zinnias all put into a straighter rows I took a crooked photos. The seed is hard to plant so I end up with globs of plants coming up and then moving them into a row later. The wire fencing did stop the rabbits from nibbling them and the fence will help to hold up the billowy rows of zinnias once they get taller. There will be a row of sunflowers coming up behind them all just like last year.

If you are having doubts as to what you see here, the sizes of the plants do all eventually become even.  The cottage garden that sits to the right of these really is filling in now.  I planted another peony in the cottage garden as it should be filled with lots of kinds of plants.

Somedays we need to just loosen up.  I have a group of morning glories coming up in the area next to the pole.  They are volunteer and the need to have something to climb.  I call this trellis my Dr. Seuss trellis. Dr. Seuss had illustrations of everything being distorted.  I had an old fan shaped trellis from the previous owners that had fallen apart. The parts form it were bowed and warped.  I threw down three verticals and decide this thing was not going to be straight no matter how hard I tried. So I just turned it into funky art. When the vines of the dozen plants will totally cover it up anyway. In another year I can get some straight wood and make it right.

The time should come that something starts to turn to red. I put the steel posts in to help the cages and plants to stay vertical. The tomato plant usually sprawls out anyway but the support system slows that down and keep the tomatoes off the ground.

I am headed to the old house today.  I will get to cross the bridge over Saylorville Lake to see how hight the water has risen.  We keep getting rains and the lake is getting close to overflowing. The last time it overflowed over the emergency spillway was 1993 and the Des Moiner River flooded out the entire town of Valley Junction It is where the Beaver River and Des Moines River meet. It also shut down the water plant for the entire Des Moines area for 19 days. The water engineers are working overtime to see how to manage it all.  We got rain last night and more is going to hit the state today.  All of it comes south.

Thanks for stopping by today.

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