Saturday, June 9, 2018

Two Kinds of Birds....

The birds are glad that I have refilled the thistle seed in the sock feeders. These two are trying to get some alone time on the feeder. We have been watching their hatchings chasing them around the back yard.  The young ones are old enough  now to fend for themselves but it is easier to have the adults feed them. Three of the young ones came by and he adults just fled the scene with the three following them.

This is a young house finch that  has master hanging on the pole but can’t figure out how to get to the sock. Once he figured out how to perch like that he sat there for a long time.

Here the two young ones did figure out the feeding process and the adult mail is feeding himself. It can get pretty busy when the house finches and the goldfinches all are circling the deck.

The adult goldfinches have also weaned their young already.  Some do still have young ones that are hassling them but to the most part they did a good job. I am curious though as to if both species will again have a mother nest of young to start all over again.

A young one has already started tuning yellow here in this photo.

It is Saturday and the heat will be back up into the 90s F. One really can’t do outside work in those temps.  I watered the flowers and tomatoes very early so they will be in good hands for another day.   Thank your for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. You have made their day, hanging that seed sock...
    What lovely pictures Larry, our Goldfinches have returned but stay away from the house now, because of our certain little kitty Tom-Tilly .
    Much too hot here in Tennessee, and thousands are gathered for Fan Fest in Nashville, not me....much too hot :)
