Friday, July 6, 2018

Friday’s Finds.......

The young birds are taking a rest between their feeding times. It seems strange that they all are there. They appeared to be  from all of the same nest and they do  hang around together.

The grandsons and their parents have visited for a few days.  We have had a lot of active days with fun times playing with toys and watching movies.

AJ has spent a lot of time building with legos and working with al the Star Wars space ship toys.

Cars, trucks and air planes are Teddy’s favorite things.  He is just over two years old now and is growing up fast learning new things each day.

They have left for home now and everyone in our household is resting up some.  Barney is sleeping a lot to make up from his naps being interrupted.  I have a lot of photos taken by me or by my son.  He would pick it up and snap shots for me as he forgot to bring his camera.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Thanks for dharing the photos of your grandsons' visit, Larry. I know that you had a great time and looks like vthey did as well, And yes, the grands do grow up so fast between visits!

  2. What cute boys! I see AJ has glasses now, they make him look older! I bet you and Braney both need naps:)

  3. I can imagine that these little guys kept you hopping! They are precious and such a blessing.
