Monday, July 9, 2018

Monday Morn......

The morning moon is such a graceful form. The camera seemed to pick up a different kind of blue and green cheese.

The young doves have been visiting the deck lately. If the adult had remained you could see this is a smaller bird.

The young finches have been feeding regularly, keeping me busy filling the dilapidated sock. I am going to look for a different kind of thistle seed feeder as I can’t find new sock feeders.

The adult goldfinch brought their broods to the feeders and now they seem indifferent to them.

The blazing star liatris is looking strong right now.  I am watering it regularly as I do remember last summer how it failed in the drought. It is a striking plant and I would like to make them last as long as I can.

A spot of red to finish the photos for today. Lots of chores to do today and most will have to be done before the heat wave returns. Thanks you for stopping by today. 


  1. Lovely purple blooms, Larry, and I have never seen a young mourning dove so have no concept on site difference between an adult. We used to have a couple of thistle socks at the VA house, but I can't recall where they were purchased...might have been a Tractor Supply store if you have any in your area.

  2. Hi, Hope you had fun with the boy's

  3. Very pretty Liatris! Yes those socks can be a bugger...we have one thistle feeder we really like it is called a fly through feeder...I am sure you have seen photos of it on my blog. The little birds can sit inside it so many birds can use the same feeder:)
