Monday, July 30, 2018

Monday Morning Mustering......

It could be a view in Colorado with that tree line looking like that. Actually I am on my back deck and the moon is red in color.  You can see the red in the glow.  Full moons are great to see and this one has moved from evening to evening.  It was in line with Mars Saturday night and last night it was west of Mars.  This morning it is directly in the west as a day moon.

We had sprinkles coming down once in the afternoon.  We had great cloud formations all day with the southern Iowa rain clouds in view.

We had a great evening with heavy dew this morning.  The dew really helped green up some of that dormant grass.  My maintenance of the yard involves pulling those stray weeds coming up from the dead grass.

The flocks of birds are gone now since I took down the loose mixed bird seed feeder.  There were just too many birds landing on the deck and staying in the back yard trees. Most of them were young ones that needed to get out and find their own meals in the wild world. The goldfinch come in at small numbers to feed for longer periods of time. There are less birds so they don’t get rushed off like they use to and will feed for a long time.

I share this photo to exemplify how small these birds are in size. I can now identify two different hummingbirds.  This one I call Greenie with all the green feathers.

I had wars between the two for a while but they now seem to just take turns coming to the feeders.  I have seen a few down in the zinnia patch.

I have one FB friend that says they are migrating.  I really don’t that much about them but I use to have them stay around for a long time at the old house. I do know they live further north in larger numbers as we had them at our Minnesota cabin every summer.

I do need to pick some more tomatoes. They are starting to ripen now more quickly as we are in summer and it is time.  They tell us how long a tomato plant takes to have ripened fruit but I don’t keep track of that. The cherry tomatoes were the first to ripen and I do have many more to pick in the future.

I am headed to the farm today to get some more things done.  I have a few things that I can do immediately and will work on them.  The weather is cool and I don’t have to mow the yard anymore.  A neighbor woman who has a rider has been doing the yard area and I am glad to pay her for it. I appreciate you stopping by today.

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