Sunday, July 1, 2018

Too Much Rain.......

We had rainfall for over three hours.  The amounts of rain in Ankeny varied from 10 inches just north of us to 7.5 inches south of us.  The entire area in miles have been built around so many rivers and streams. We live on a hill which causes our water to flow away from the front of the house and down the hill in the back yard to a good sized creek that handled it all.  The creek is usually a dry crevice but I am sure it was filled to the top last evening.

The morning after has a friendly sky and everywhere, every thing is soaked. We are curious as know if we can make it to church today with all of the flooded rivers in our path. Many of the houses along our route have water filled basements. We are fine.


  1. Happy July, hot and hotter but the flowers love it.

  2. Hope your basement stays dry that is a lot of rain:)
