Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Wednesday’s World.....

The Wednesday morning view looks promising. We are having cooler temps in the night and early morning.  It is a good think as the heat has been so bad for so long.

While I was out with Barney in the front yard I saw goldfinch searching for insects.  I thought that no one in the area should complain about me bringing in a large set of goldfinch families into this community. They seem to be more active in the yard and the house finches have disappeared since I took down the multi-seed feeder.  I had too many house finches and it was time for them to go out into the fields and find their own seed. At the old place I would only have one pair of goldfinches so this is a treat to see all the ones that have hatched out to many pairs of the birds.

While watering in the back yard this morning I had lots of birds watching for me to stir up insects

I disturbed my young bunny this morning while I was watering. He seemed to be hanging next to the shed trying to keep me from seeing him.

Some of my blogging friends are not familiar with a locust tree.  Here is a focused shot of mine in the front yard last afternoon.  The moon was not chosen to be in focus but the locust tree was sharpe and clear. The leaves on a locust can remind me of a fern leaf and yet it is a foliage of its own identity.

Both of my plantings of morning glories are doing well. The vine is not so much to admire but the blooms will be great glories. I have tried to keep them watered as they both are in warmer areas that they would prefer. I have some volunteer glories coming up at the very same spot as last year.  Their colors will be the deep violet blue. The others that I have planted can be possibly any color as I harvested from different locations at the new place and the old place.

My mom grew a lot of different foliages on the farm many years ago.  I don’t see them for sale very often.  I did see one  overgrown one that was at the Home Depot. It was beautiful but overgrown and lopsided. I guess I could find a shady place to plant some if I remembered to buy them. This one in the photo was one I picked up for a buck.  I placed it in the planter next to the morning glories in the shade of the deck floor above. I thought it would be fun to see how it turned out. I do remember that the blooms should be cut back for along time to keep it growing.

My neighbor lady at the old place lost her dog Penny, just last week. She was a terrier that I helped with a lot these last ten years.  The dog had developed health problems that just caused her to loose her life.  It was a sad week for the owner as they were so close to each other.  The neighbor then also lost her last sister on Sunday.  The loss of her dog was unexpected and she was convinced by a close friend to get another dog immediately.  I am not so sure of that advice but the new dog is a needy dog that loves to be held.  It is part terrier but has some special coloring that make it into a mixed breed with good looks.

I worked on a stepladder a lot yesterday so I am doing easier work today. I hope all are well out there and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Sad about what is happening with our youth,
    they stay glued to their phones,Less face to face contact.
    So thinking they can say anything is OK.

  2. I edited my own blog after sharing about an assault in our town. I guess i should have said nothing and regret that I wrote it out. I still am sad about the incident but that is the most I will share with you. I hope everyone understands.

  3. Sorry to read about your former neighbor losing her sister and then her beloved pet. There are those who say people should wait before getting another pet, but if it feels right to her then she should do it and apparently had already.

  4. Sorry to hear about Penny, I know you enjoyed watching her for your old neighbor.
    Good to hear you have cooled off, be careful on the ladder!
