Sunday, August 19, 2018

Mind Control is Out of Control.....

A blurred view of what I could see last night.  As the moon looks like it is halved.  I have been seeing the new moon behind the neighbor’s tree the past few nights but it has changed position in my view.  I took a few shots, with no tripod, so I show you the best of the blurs.

The lawn ornaments have been moved around a bit as they spent most of the summer up next to the fence. These geese are a whole lot better to care for than all the ones that live in our city, for real.
Fox tail is a weed in our state and I see that I need to do some weed pulling. As a kid I would have fun with the plant pulling the seed flair and flashing it about.

These seem to be my favorite colors of zinnias, until I start taking some other color groupings.

These are bright and cheery.  They aren’t smaller though, I just held the camera farther away from the flowers.
A little mixture of the similar color makes for a good color study.  I like how zinnias put out so many different forms of flower shapes.

The white ones are nice to see.  There seem to be less of the them this year.

I am late posting today. Some days I get out of sync and thought that I had done the posting.  Then, by late afternoon I realize I haven’t checked in with my people. The aging process in my body seems to be an easy cause to blame. My brain really is not up to par anymore and I am now getting to be surprised to realize that I don’t remember much.  I do still function.  Anyway,  thanks for stopping by today.  Tomorrow is ahead of us.

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