Sunday, August 5, 2018

Sunday’s Stuff........

Company is fun.  It is especially fun when it is family from Maine. Our son and his wife were here for a few days.  It had been a while since we had seen them and we had a lot of catching up to do.  We caught a meal at Pizza Ranch last evening. We ate out breakfast early this morning as they took off on their next trek to northern Minnesota. They should be in the Grand Rapids area by late afternoon.  Our two sons will be out on the lake fishing by Monday.

We had lighting and rain this morning with a light amount of wind.  It tossed over the new phlox plant onto the ground. We needed the rain but it wasn’t very much. I just bought three new kinds of phlox to put in my cottage garden.  I wanted it to rain and cool down some before these go into the ground. I was at Walmart and I could see various carts being pushed around with the phlox and cone flowers being bought.  The nursery area was almost closed down as I am sure they had too many dead plants to sell.  The new shipment of asters, cover flowers and phlox were the limited supply of plants. They had some hosta plants too but the nursery part is shut down for now. I assume they will be bringing in shrubs for the fall but August is too hot for those to be planted right now.

I did succeed in bringing one small batch of phlox from the old place down to the new place. It hasn’t quite started to bloom but the buds are there.  I hope these varieties are as tough to survive the winter as the ones that I have at the old place.

The very first morning glory bloom looks really rugged. I think maybe the rain was hard on it.  I will now check everyday to see how this vine is doing.  I have other colors planted this year but I don’t see the buds forming yet.


  1. Hi Larry, how nice to have a visit from family which seem to pass all too quickly. Thanks for your recent comments on my blog posts about our cross country road trip which is continuing, but we are finally in Oregon, which was our destination state. We will be making our way back home to NH by next Monday, so still more adventures to come. I have not had much time to catch up on reading fthe posts of fellow bloggers, but spent some time today doing a bit.

  2. Good for you to see your son and his wife from Maine, I know you haven't seen him in awhile! Hope you had a great visit! :)
