Sunday, September 16, 2018

Saturday’s and Sunday’s in One.......

The earth is tilting back. The sun is now back behind the tree that is way down the street.  The dead branch still is there and the one major cloud is casting a shadow in the sky. Yep, somehow I forgot to blog yesterday.  I don’t think blog is a verb but us bloggers have turned it into a verb.

If I had blogged yesterday you would see that I made sun tea in 90 degree weather. It is better tasting when it gets over brewed.

The other vines are creeping up onto the deck. They are a refreshing change of color.  The purple color is great but that is all that I had most of the blooming season. The purple ones bloom over in the corner of the deck.

Six days until it is officially fall. The season does usually blend back and forth for awhile before you can tell it is actually fall.  Right now we are having a hot summer. The grass has come back so I have to dodge the heat when I mow the grass. I now mow my westerly section of grass and the back yard when the neighbor on that side mows.  I now mow the easterly side of my yard, which is the front yard, when the neighbor of the east mows.  They are at different times up to a four day difference. It works for me so I don’t have to mow everything on the same day.  My woman who mows the yard at the old place mows every week no matter what, so she can keep some spending money coming her way.  That is such a luxury to have someone else mow that yard.

People don’t tip their hat anymore because men don’t wear the right kind of hat anymore.  I see hat tipping on PBS shows and it does look natural.  Hats come off for coffin viewing or people losing their lives.  The sunflowers are all now tipping down as the all are developing seeds causing them to all tip down.

We are living in the city now and it is official when some one gets shot and killed in our neighborhood.  A guy was stealing money from our grocery store’s filling station, a half mile away from us.  When he fled with the money, he ran towards our direction. a few blocks east of us and he pointed a gun.  Unfortunately his pointing a gun toward the police department gave them a reason to shoot back. We have cars stolen from people’s property a couple of blocks over also.  If you saw that neighborhood or street you would  understand that it is a tougher population than our friendly neighborhood.  We do have a foul mouthed guy and his wife who yell profanities up the street. a few house at each other.  I can learn some new old profane words from her when she is yelling at her husband’s latest bad move. The man just cusses out his garden hoses while he waters the grass.

Down the street we have different ages of adults.  Some have young kids and dogs. A couple of houses have college aged kids with dogs.  It is quiet down the street as you wander down the road to the true east and west road.  I think their is a minister that lives along that street and also I know at least one teacher puts out signs for pro education things. There is a large standard poodle living at the corner and just recently we saw this very large Saint Bernard dog that really could just jump his fence if he wanted to. I think our neighbors across the street are going to move away soon.

There is one house on the street where a guy who has too many old things. These three haven’t made it to the storeroom in the basement. I still like where we live and our little nook in the row of houses seems to be working for us.  I have caught up on my blogging now and I hope everyone is doing well.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Hope that you get a break in the hot weather, Larry. The sun tea looked refreshing and it's been a long time since I've made any, but no longer possible living in an apt with no outer areas. It was interesting reading about your neighborhood, although some of the neighb ors sound like folks I would rather avoid.

  2. It was Iowa Hot and humid here today. You have an interesting neighborhood, people that cuss a blue streak around kids should have a dirty sock in their mouths. We had a neighbor once and all they did is scream and holler at each other...they finally got a divorce. Our kids were little and they kept asking why? Hope you stay cool, your lawn mowing situation sounds like a deal! I mowed again today...mulched lots of leaves too:)

  3. Hello, Still hot/muggy in GA too. Our neighbor with the cute little 8 yr old girl, moved recently. Our new neighbors are quiet/respectful. We have one neighbor on the street who fusses with his wife in the yard daily. I recently bought some marked down flowers and thought of pink coneflower and purple queen plant. Mildred
