Friday, October 19, 2018

Friday’s Findings........

If it warms up it will bloom. The one batch of morning glories have died.  This one here is being challenged with the weather but it is protected enough to keep going. These blooms sometime wait until middle afternoon to roll out.

A mystery bird at the feeder today is a larger blackish bird than the sparrows. I am thinking it could be a cowbird but it seems a little too bulky in size for that. I noticed that my sparrows have sacrificed one of their own again this morning as the hawk was having his first bird for the day out on the fence.

The shape really doesn’t help me to identify it. I know the sparrows are willing to let it feed and will wait for it finish and leave.
It did not photograph well but you can see the effect of the moon poking through the clouds. At one time it was a Halloween sky with spotty clouds covering the moon. All I needed for the picture was a haunted Victorian mansion to put in the photo.

The posts that I used to hold up the tomatoes are all pulled out of the ground and they are laying in wait.  The clay soil will not wash off easily.  I ran the hose water on them and moved some of it off but now I am waiting for the weather to dry it out more before I put them in my garden shed. I am going to work outside today getting some more fall jobs done.  It is so different living here when I have to sack up everything to throw away rather than burning it.  I got rid of the zinnia mess yesterday at the old places tree dump.  I will do the same with whatever I get together today.  I have asparagus foliage and peony stems to get rid of today.  I have a set of 14 tulips to plant somewhere today.

As I work I can hear the traffic of the air space and the traffic of the interstate south of us.  Mowers somewhere will be heard and delivery trucks will be going by.  The sounds of a distant staple gun to put down shingles will be heard and the Canadian geese fly back and forth checking out the grain left on all the farm fields in the sounding area.

The photo of the plane was taken in the evening while I was shooting a visual of the day moon. I don’t quite know why they need to fly so low but they probably are just descending as they head for the airport about fifteen miles away.

It will be good weather today with a little coolness in the air. It will be more like a normal fall day.  Thanks for checking in on my post today.

1 comment:

  1. You bird may be a Grosbeak or some kind of finch...:) Fall yard work seems to take a long time. Pat Barney for me:)
