Sunday, November 18, 2018

Sunday Stroll Inside....

First time blooming from a two year old amaryllis bulb.  I put it in the basement to sleep and regroup.  It starts sprouting down their in the dark so I brought it into the light.

The peregrine falcon was back at it, trying to capture one of my birds. At a distance through the lens he almost looks like he is camouflaged.

He was checking out the areas around the blue spruce tree.  At one time he dropped to the ground next to the spruce and went walking in from down below. He did run along on the grass to get closer to the birds inside the tree.

I see the shiny brites are for sale again this year. There must be a select set of people like me who likes them as I see only a dozen of them setting on the shelf this year.  I will buy one more batch again this year because one never wants to run out of shiny brite Christmas ornaments.

We will have the Illinois family here for Thanksgiving day.  We will have a late turkey dinner for them.  They will stay for a couple of days leaving on Saturday.  Did I tell you that we are going to have another grandchild, due in April.  I will be interested in seeing the two guys reaction to this.  We are so excited for another grandchild in our family.  There will be a 6 year old by then and a 3 year old the same month.  It will be a great day of joy for all of us when the child is born.

I am growing the miniature roses in the living room right now.  I have to muster up some strength to get it downstairs in front of the sliding glass.  The post is filled with real potting soil and it is heavy.  Maybe I can get my two wheel dolly to get it down the deck stairs.

Thank you again for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. No you can never have too many Shiny Brites!
    Congratulations! Another grandchild how lucky are you!! Maye the boys will get a little sister! Yes it will be interesting to see how they do! :) Your Amaryllis is ever so pretty:)
