Friday, November 30, 2018

Work Zone......

One doesn’t need a hard hat to be in here but the boxes are just the beginning. I had to go find two more boxes to have the whole tree to be complete. Can you see the trunk of the fake tree stating in the window. It took the two of us a long time to get that tree  all assembled again for the season.

By last evening the tree and the angel at the top was all that we had done. I started on the lights this morning but had to go run some errands before lunch. Maybe after I get done blogging I can add some more lights.

Once the lights are on, it will be time to break out the ornaments. I have this new box to add to our collection.  I really don’t think we will be done for a couple of days, but things to look promising.

Our weather was better this morning but this afternoon it really has cooled down.  I have some outside work to do but it is too cold now for me to do much out there.  I think snow will  be coming tomorrow.  Thanks for stopping in today.

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