Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve.....

The early morning looked like this with the sun really not in sight.  I could see the full moon in the west this morning at the same time.

The pie has been made, the fudge is in the pan, and my wife has finished the last of the season’s cooking. I purchased a couple of things this morning in which very few customers were there. I am certain things will pick up by noon.  We both need to wrap our presents for each other.  We will do that after Christmas eve service. We are going to the early four o”clock service so we can be home for a good evening.

All is more calm and quiet now as all that needed to be done, is done.  I sent out the last two cards this morning and anything that we get late in the next few day.  We won’t have company but we like to get things straightened and cleaned for ourselves. My wife put a pretty white tablecloth on the table and some new bright red placemats. I noticed across the street that family members are arriving for apparently a Christmas Eve family get together.  We lack the snow but it does still seem like Christmas.  I wish you all well today.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. All your decorations look so festive and inviting Larry !
    I smiled at the thought of your wife laying the nice tablecloth on the table, I laid my table out earlier in the day also, we have had company for Christmas Eve supper....
    Merry Christmas to you both, and yes, I'll see you in the New Year !

  2. Such beautiful decorations. Just the two of us for Christmas...we did receive Christmas day photos from family members to enjoy. Mildred
