Wednesday, December 26, 2018

December 26th.......

Reflecting on the Christmas past; we did have a good day.  We had expectations of quiet and rest.  We did go for a turkey dinner at our pie place and brought one piece of a cream pie home to split later.  The pie place has to stay open on Christmas day as they sell major numbers of whole pie all day long.  Our wait was long and the time to get the food was just as long.  That was our expectation to so we just waited patiently in an overbooked food joint.  The turkey dinner was great and the amount was so much that we had to leave food on our plate.  We came home to a hungry dog and then we took a nap.

The Christmas eve service was great.  It was very crowded and we were glad.  The hot cocoa was filled with such long lines that we just came home.  The old manger was made to look old.  It is a fun one that I put out next to my antique small ornament tree. The manger was a purchase years ago at a specialty mall shop.  We have three different manger scenes and we don’t plan to collect them any time soon.

If any of you who follow regularly, you know my village photos are not so great.  Look and see what a new gifted tripod does for me, as I took this picture last evening.  I was amazed at the difference with the tripod steady shot compared to my point and shoot photos.

I have more time to shoot photos on the day after Christmas. I think my tripod will come in handy this summer when I am out taking garden and tree shots.

The trees will not come down until after New Years Day. All of our trees are in windows so the neighbors can also see them.  We have young children in our backyard and it is nice that they and their families can see them at night. Both families directly behind us had babies when we moved in and now they are young little boys who are walking and running in their back yards.  A family across the street have a young boy about those two other boys’ ages and he has an older brother. They are cute when they run having their short little legs.

We are having a quiet day today.  No plans but we can be spontaneous.  I don’t really think we will do anything but one of us will go to the  grocery store for chicken for Barney.  We still have mince pie and other things to eat.  I hope everyone is doing well today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I know you will love the tripod. These village photos are so clear! Such gorgeous Christmas trees too. The home thru the woods behind us decorated their back deck with colorful lights and we have enjoyed it. Your turkey dinner and cream pie sound delicious! Mildred

  2. Tripods are really handy for clear photos.

  3. Your Christmas gift was a good one Larry, and although ai also have one that was a gift years ago, I will admit to not using it as much as ai should. It does improve hand held shots as you noted and maybe I will get it out if the closet one day soon. Long waits on a holiday are to be expected and glad you had a nice day overall. All the best for the coming New Year. Thanks for your comments on our blag posts this past year.
