Saturday, December 22, 2018

Saturday’s Special Spot......

The day moon rises in the east as if it is the sun coming up. It is  the late afternoon. I was glad that I caught the glimpse of it as it was gone within an hour.

As proof to the public, here is the moon with all of its craters and different surface colors. The rest of the afternoon and evening was cloudy.  At the ten o’clock hour the clouds were thin and it was a foggy view of the moon.

As evidence of proof we do also have the letter with photos created and ready to go. The two of us will sit down to day and scribble out address while drinking eggnog. We have the cards, the stamps and many different pens to use as we finish up this task. I really like getting cards so I really do want to send them.  Some of my cousins have quit sending but they get cards anyway.

I was a lot grumpy yesterday but I am better today.  We have two major malls in our area and their anchor stores have shut down.  The shopping gets confusing when you are use to them being there.  I know that in the next couple of days I can get what I want to buy to finished up actually in our local city.  Our largest mall to the west of us is booming but it will be so crowded for days to come. That major large mall helped to shut down the two smaller malls.

We are taking today as a rest day.  We both seem to have colds of some sort from who knows where.  The busy times should be about done now. We keep getting items in the mail from our kids as they shopped online this year. We received a box of red pears yesterday that we usually enjoy once they have become ripe. It is a unique gift and fun for all.

I hope all are having a good day today and you are doing well. I appreciate you checking in on my post.

1 comment:

  1. yeah for doing a Christmas letter, it does get frantic this time of year.:)
