Sunday, December 30, 2018

Sunday’s News or maybe Snooze......

A forgotten star that never made it on a tree.  It is a metal ornament with a great finish on it to make it a special form. It really needs to be hung on a wreath or a special kind of tree. I found it in the top drawer of the chest of drawers in the basement.

This is a plastic replica of the train seen in the first Narnia movie. It does make a whistle sound when one pushes the one button on top. The view in the movie of the train winding through an English countryside is a special sight.

A modern replica of a work train, used to pull many cars filled with goods and machinery.
Two buddies on the teddy bear tree seem to be just hanging around together. I bet there are more stuffed dogs on the tree than teddy bears.

This guy has not shown up again since two days ago.  I guess he found a better place to eat. It is cold this morning but we will venture out to teach our Sunday School classes. It is good to see the sun this morning and all is quiet in the neighborhood with everyone sleeping in today.  Barney doesn’t allow sleeping in but I am glad to get him out and keep his day normal.  We are treating our whole set of days between holidays as our holiday vacation.  Doing nothing is accepted and doing things with the least amount of work is encouraged.

 I will have to make a run to the grocery store today.  It will be a bear with so many shopping on Sunday.  The people are either getting ready for the week or for the New Year’s Holiday.  The aisle will be crowded and the lines will be congested.  I kind of enjoy the challenge and make light of all of it.  Everyone seems to feel the struggle and there are a lot of people laughing at the whole situation.   I do wish everyone to have a great day.  Thanks for checking in on my post today.


  1. Inevitably we would forget an ornament and place it in a drawer by itself and "hope" to find it the next year! I love the stuffed animals on the tree. Sorry you have to venture out in the cold today to the store. I am never in a hurry these days and kinda laugh to myself at the folks who are so intense about shopping for the holidays.

  2. Aloha finally! To warm here, if there were a snow bank I would roll in it. Have a happy new year
