Thursday, December 20, 2018

Thursday’s Blog Sliding In......

There are surprises in the sky on daily basis.  The jet vapor trails add man-made clouds to the works in the sky. As times goes by the trails blend and scatter making it look like unusual cloud shapes.

The last of packages to be sent will be done so in the morning. The last goes to my wife’s sister who lives in covered bridge territory. She will get her box of things in plenty of time for Christmas.  My wife had a commissioned portrait to do the past few weeks and that has been picked up now. The place is not getting snow but I know that it is inevitable. We have very cold and damp weather today.

The decorating is done and anything not placed on display will not be displayed now.  We went shopping this morning to make a first run for shopping for each other.  We were not expecting to get much as we are going to the mall in the big city tomorrow. We are reworking the Christmas letter one more time. I write a draft to get things started and my wife rewrites or adds to enrich the letter. It being a draft means we could never send it reading like that! We don’t worry too much about getting them out on time. The idea is that we do them.

We are grateful to be ahead of our schedule at this point.  We may collapse some time down the road but our stress should be less by now.  I hope everyone is doing well out there in blog land.  Don’t  overdo and keep up the positive attitude.  Thanks for checking in on me today.

1 comment:

  1. Yes we are calmer around here now...I like calmer:) Your skies are so pretty! No sun here today:(
