Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019....a new Start.

The cold weather did bring the birds back to my feeder.  This feeder sits on the table and the squirrel has scattered see everywhere.  When the bulk of it is eaten I will move that feeder off the table and put it on the deck floor.

One or two house finches stop by at the feeders.  Their striking red colors are gone for the winter. The bird here seems to think I am invading its space. I am still not seeing flocks of this kind of bird but full snow cover will probably change that.
This is the same bird with a different pose. The juncos have been out there for quite some time.  They do come in large numbers.
I caught a quick shot of the geese and the carousel horse.  I am not going to rush to get everything put away.  I am more the kind of guy who grabs stuff and take is down stairs when I go downstair to take care of the birds. Grabbing things here and there works good but could last for a whole month’s time.

An added ornament to our collection is a home-made one that was gifted to us from my wife’s friend.  She is known as the button lady and you can see why. The buttons are usually antique ones that she picks up at second hand shops. It is fun to see all the things she can find to sew buttons onto.  We helped frame her one large banner of buttons that was of a garden scene with the sun shining.

It is 2019 and I will accept that fact as time goes by.  The past year was not such a great year for us but I did like to write out 20 and 18.  They fit together so well. The 20 19 seems like you are writing backwards. I don’t write a lot of checks but I do pay water bills at the old place with checks and on a rare occasion I buy with a check because the limit on the card isn’t high enough. Anyway, the look back is one of losing people, most friends or acquaintances of the past.  Many of my former students are having grandchildren and some students are having their first child.

The older I get, I know, that the farther I can look back.  Things like Facebook makes that easier to do with the posting of obits of people that graduated from my high school.  Classmates are losing siblings too that all at the same ear as my family.  Trudging on with new things to do and see.  I wish for everyone to have a very good year this year.  Thank your family and friends who follow this blog.  Thanks for always stopping by.....let us sail on.


  1. I know the birds appreciate the seeds. Very pretty photos. The button tree is very creative and a lot of fun to study the different buttons. May the Lord richly bless you and yours in 2019.

  2. I love seeing your bird pictures Larry, looks cold there, meanwhile we are basking in the sun of 65 degrees :)
    Not really your typical New Year's Day weather, but beats snow !
    Here's wishing you and yours a Happy and Healthy New Year. I've so enjoyed your blog posts throughout the year, they are so very inspirational.

  3. Beautiful button selection, those colors really compliment each other. I have an old box full of buttons, I ought to drag it out and see if there's anything pretty.
    I'd start taking down Christmas too, but my daughter's been out of town, and hasn't even opened her presents yet, so will leave things up until after she gets back. We can pretend it's Christmas morning all over again!
    I love feeding birds, but we live in front of, or behind, depending on which road you're on, an empty field. Bird feeders just attract the rodents from the field.
    Have a nice 2019. I enjoy your photos.
