Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Second Day.....of the Week..

The red twig dogwoods are turning to a good color in the winter. I trimmed them back the first year that I lived here and they are now getting tall again.  I am thinking though that I won’t trim them until they get taller than the fence.  I had these at the old place and really like having them in the garden.

I took this shot a week ago and almost did not share it.  The ornaments at the top row are some that I bought twenty years ago.  The were designed to duplicate the early glass blown ones of old. The bottom row I bought thirty five years ago in a mall in Omaha, Nebraska. They seemed meager looking but it was a neat and cheap collection.  Having studied ornament books, they too were created duplicating the early  glass blown ornament.  Notice the acorn and mushroom in this set.  The design was used in the beginning of the making the ornaments. Two stray trees at the top left areanother example of duplication of antique ornament shapes.

One more closer look of the oldie but goodie ones from Nebraska. I remember buying them in a kitchen shop in that mall and the Nebraska Cornhuskers game was on throughout the mall.
If I plan on seeing cardinals this year, I will have to keep this pillow around the house. The patterned chair in the downstair room sure does not blend very well with the pillow.

I have a set of four of these shots of the squirrel.  He was digging down to the pan of birdseed that was buried and frozen in the snow.  I will share a shot a day to show you the antics he was pulling to pull out that frozen food. My birds really have not proved to be too interested in my feeders. I may put one down on the grown below where I am feeding to see if they are avoiding the height of the deck.

We will be melting some today.  It won’t be very warm but it will be enough to melt snow from underneath.  I think more will be coming at the end of the week.  Thanks for checking in on my blog spot today.


  1. I have always loved your red twig dogwood. It will be pretty to let it grow as tall as the fence. I rarely see Cardinals here, but in the past week, I've seen several blue birds. Squirrels are fun to watch - they are so greedy!
    Some of my Indiana friends are looking for more snow at the end of the week. For today, we have sunshine and a high of 52. We have had so much rain that many trees are uprooted.

  2. Such pretty bark color in winter!
    I've always enjoyed seeing your vintage glass ornaments, they make a Christmas tree sparkle.
    Sweet squirrel, looking for his stash 😁

  3. I love the red twigs in winter, they are some color in a bleak landscape. Stay warm, I think a cold spell has arrived here...way below zero :(
