Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Tuesday’s Things.....

A slice of suburbia Monday morning with a slim chance of seeing that sun ever shining during the day.  The cloud cover was such that passenger jets were flying over us below the clouds.  The seemed to be so low that I might be able to check the air in their tires.  I am glad they have profusion going on so they won’t drop out of the sky on our neighborhood.

This morning it is bright and clear.  You can see the neighbors are not out on their deck today.  They have found a warm climate to visit for awhile. Our temps are dropping a degree per hour.  We are at about 1 degree F. right now and it ill be in negatives by noon. The vortex is going to give us a hight of -11 F. tomorrow.

The sky does not look like a cold day either but it is very cold.  Barney’s paws were getting too cold this morning while we are outside.  I have decided to keep him from going too far away from the door as I don’t want to drag him for long distances. He was lifting his one back paw and then he was lifting the front opposite paw which meant he had to lay down on the ground.

One lone junco was at the feeder this morning.  I refreshed all of the feeders yesterday so maybe more will come through the day.

I succeeded to get air in my back tires to bring them up to normal pressure.  The cold air makes the tire so cold that it effects the tire pressure. It  was just too cold to stop at a station to add air.  Sometime the severe cold shuts down their air pumps so I used a bicycle pump in the safety and warmth of the garage. The temperature inside my garage was about eleven degrees but there was no wind chill problems inside.  In the afternoon I foolishly went out and did a touch up job on my driveway snow piles. The job went quickly as the drifts were not that deep but the gloves that I had on were worthless.  I got very cold fingers. I had too run warm water on them to get some feeling back in them.  I did get some of the Barney’s pathways cleaned out from a very light snowfall the past evening.

I have a framing job to start today and will hope to get it done.   I will have to warm up my workroom down stairs as the furnace is so good that it doesn’t heat that room. I don’t have a vent to open for that room but I have a good room heater on the bench to flip on for lots of warm air. I wish you all to have a good day today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Hope you are staying safely indoors during the winter weather you’re having, Larry. We are forecasted to get a few inches overnight tonight and then some very cold temps will follow. Most of the snow we had a couple of weeks ago is all gone except for plowed piles in parking lots. Your wife’s paintings looked colorful in the recent photo you shared.

  2. I've been hearing about your weather and also Connie (Far Side blog). Such frigid weather. Most of our schools were closed today due to the threat of icy roads. Pretty shot of the bird. You'll have to share your framing job with us as you go along. God bless you both.

  3. Poor Barney it is so cold for old dogs. Stay warm! It is miserable here:(
