Saturday, February 2, 2019

Afternoon Post......

It is melting.  It is 44 degrees F. and the snow is reacting to the heat.  We are warned that we m ay have rain sometime late tonight or tomorrow. The reduction of the white stuff is really welcomed.  I know we will get more but the polar vortex did wear us out physically and mentally. I am hoping tomorrow morning that I can take the same shot and see more wood and less snow.

I was off this morning trying to find some new stuff to photograph. Those who follow me regularly know I post this guy at least once a year. I really like his pose and his attitude.

Barney seemed extra needy this morning so we stayed home with him,  I could take pictures, rather than going to the bookstore. Barney is a lot better now but being old seems to effect the movements and behaviors that worry us some.
He is napping right now with a full tummy of chicken and dog food staying under the dining room table. He is going to be happy to see grass lawn again under his feet when he travels his path in the yard.

While in the basement I snapped a shot of the next print that will be needing glass and frame. It is a print of a painting that was done of rock formations on Crooked Lake in Minnesota. I really like the print but just never got it framed. We bought it years ago when we were still visiting Duluth, Minnesota. I will share more about it and the artist as the project progresses. We have mat board to purchase along with glass. I have framing material already left over from our old frame shot.

Knick Knacks are being filled in this display of odds and ends. Toys, bottles and ammunition shells are on display.  The shell casings are from my Dad’s military funeral with the 21 gun salute.  The guy, my dad’s cousin that handed them to me now also has passed away a few months ago. They were first cousins as their fathers were brothers. Another first cousins of my dad’s just passed away on Friday.  She was a good friend of my mom’s and her kids and me were close friends in school.

The day is getting late and I need to get this posted.  I hope everyone is well and thanks for checking in today.


  1. I'm sorry Barney had a tough morning. I hope he rests well tonight with his full tummy and has a better day. That is a pretty print you will begin working on. I also love the knick knacks. The ammunition is very special. My sympathy in the loss of your cousins. So very thankful you are warming up some there. Have a blessed Sunday.

  2. You never can tell from one day to the next how old dogs will feel. Pat Barney for me:)
