Monday, March 11, 2019

Monday Melting.....

Above freezing is a good thing.  We are not going to get extremely warm but snow will melt.  The slower it melts the lest flooding we will have.  I am glad to see water running down the street.

The snow is melting away from the fence and from around the bases of trees and things.  The red twig is looking redder than ever.  I walked around in the snow this morning and there is a layer of ice on the surface of snow.  There is a glassy reflection on it.

The backyard raised garden area is still under a lot of snow. A lot of snow has been melted as a couple of days ago the snow was high enough to make it level and flat with snow covering everything.

A year ago in March we really  did look the same as this photo shows.  The angel got to speed winter inside this year.  I am looking forward to some changes in our weather.  I am looking forward to be able to be outside again.  It will be time enough for us to start to mow grass again.  I saw many flower bulbs that can be planted while at the Wallie Mart today.  They are all set up in the store to get ready for the new season.  I didn’t see anything that I wanted today but maybe some new dahlias would be good.  Thank you for stoping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful news that the snow is melting slowly. I love the red twig dogwood. I've never tried to grow dahlias. I remember looking thru a catalog of named dahlias one spring and seeing one named "Brooke Nicole" which is Larry's daughter's name!
