Saturday, March 23, 2019

We Visited K.C..........

We left on Wednesday morning and headed south to Kansas City.  It had been a long time since we visited there.  We came home on Friday morning having a good time.  Our view of the downtown area is from our hotel room looking north. The city has spent a lot of money rebuilding their old city. The blue nest-like building is an unknown for me as there sports center is to the left of this photo.

We visited the Nelson-Atkins Art Museum two different days enjoying the art work and the old mueseum.  The building was built in an 1930s with neoclassical architecture. With a modern addition built a few years ago and complete renovation of their display areas, the place has become a wonderful art museum.

In the interior  of the building is an open two story courtyard used for different kinds of events but mostly a dining courtyard. I have taken more photos of that area.  I have more than I can ever share.

The place is called Roselle Court.  It has vaulted ceilings in the walkways all around the center court with a fountain.

The skylight is wonderful and the carved stone arches does take a visitor back in time. One could only imagine this kind of place in old hollywood movies, taken place in some country across the ocean from where we live.

They have a buffet set up to sell many things for one to eat. It is fun to fill up the tray and go down to the court yard and sit among the fake trees. When I say down, the main floor is three steps down from the vaulted walkway around the entire courtyard.

My wife wanted to try the coke in a bottle and I had coffee. The carving above the men’s heads is from a land faraway in Egypt. The museum holds a “coming out party” for the richer teens, a southern tradition.  From times before when we were there, it looked like the grandparents were having this tradition for the grandkids as they were graduating from high school and moving into adulthood.  We saw them do a rehearsal of this many years ago as they participants would line up and be announced as they walked through that doorway. There must have been a meal and dancing afterwards.

Anyone following this blogs knows all about the painting.  It is a very large painting of Jerusalem.  It was treated with more respect the last time we saw it but now they have it clutter or crowded in with a bunch of smaller paintings.

It really was nice to get away to pamper ourselves.  Due to our different family restrictions and personal complications we had not been down to Kansas City for 10 years.  We did go on our 25th wedding anniversary then for a one day trip down and back. The coffee there at the Roselle Court is the best. The mugs are small and I had to keep making trips to get more.

We are home now waiting for spring to show itself more robustly.  We are tired but we did have a wonderful visit. Thanks for checking in today.

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