Thursday, June 6, 2019

A Long Day with Heat.........

The buttercups planted among the peonies will bloom for a longer time if I keep them watered. This one did migrate down the hill to the new garden when I transferred a peony from up there.  It came with the peony roots.

I idon’thave a lot of yellow flowers so these are a great addition to the peony row.

This old fashion red peony is blooming in the row.
The white is a blurry shot but the white is so pure in color.  It is different than the old fashion white that has a red splotch.  I have marked the old fashion white peony at the old place. I will try to get a start of that one too.

I brought two hosta plants from the old place down to the new house.  They were lost in a patch of ditch lilies and could not be seen all summer.  I also dug up the light blue colored flag iris which I see I didn’t get moved down here. I always leave parts of the plant so they can keep growing at the old place.

I have a new project to work on as I measured and checked how close the new raised bed is squared to the backyard fence.   Unfortunately I had not point to measure from.  Today I decided I could use a square and track out with a board to figure if the boxes were in alignment with the fence.  They new raised bed is completely off with the fence.  I will have to fix it now before too many plants grow too big. I will have to move four tomato plants complexly but everything else will stay strait enough inside the crooked boxes. Oh well!  I will feel better when I get that job done.  I will work in the morning when it is in the 70s and not in the 80’s.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I don't think I've ever seen buttercups in person. They are sweet blooms. Glad you are still able to move some treasured plants to your new yard.
