Monday, June 24, 2019

A New Week....

I have tried to start the blanket flower from seed and I just couldn’t get it to happen.  This one I bought in a pot and it survives the winter just like it is suppose to do. It seems to be a little crowded with he sedum and some salvia plants.  I will cut some salvia back to give it some space. I admired this plant when we would  travel westward.  We would see them in the restarea flower gardens of Colorado and maybe Nebraska.

My vining honeysuckle follows a similar color scheme.  It is one shrub that was new to me until we moved to the newer house. I like  how it will rebloom if it stays wet enough.  Last year the heat stopped it from any more blooms.

Today is the day to get these into the ground.  I brought them back last Thursday from the old place and here they still sit.  I have dug up a hosta and accidentally pulled up a ditch lily with it.  It is a perfect specimen but I don’t know if I will plant it.  It is so invasive.  I could plant it in a area with a grass guard material around ti to keep it  from taking over the entire yard.

The history of the field lily, ditch lily, is my digging it from a rural ditch across from a cemetery east of where we live.  The coal mining town of Xena is not there any more but the cemetery is. Some towns people still bury their family out there.  Xenia was the main town in the area but the train couldn’t stop at its location.  They couldn’t start up and make it up the hill going west.  Eventually they only stopped at the top of the hill and Woodward became the town with a train depot.

I have blogged long enough to see the clouds clearing away in the sky.  It was pretty dull but now the sun shines through once in a while.  We are to have a hot week with Friday being the hottest.  I hope everyone is doing well and thanks for checking in today.


  1. I like that Blanket Flower too, I seem to have good luck with them. Yes sounds like HOt is coming here too:)

  2. We used to have similar flowers at the VA house and yard. And, also a lot of day lilies as well.
