Friday, June 21, 2019

Rainy Day......

The view out our front door shows a lot of green.  I like seeing the water running down the gutters and the trees and shrubs are soaking  up all the water.  I have been watering things each morning but I can skip that for a couple of days.  My grass is long but I was busing mowing another yard.  My neighbors on both side and way down the way, all of them mowed yesterday. If it stops raining on Saturday I can play catchup.

It is an ongoing project.  The process is taking all the scraps of dirt with grass from the raised bed work and soak the soil away from the grass.  The rain today is dripping through the deck and landing on the wheel barrow. Once it is all soaked up I will remove the grass.  It is hard to separate it with so much clay in the soil. Yep, it will be a mess. Draining the remaining soil from the water will be a slow task too.
Last summer’s begonia bloomed all winter in the window.  Now that I brought it out I can see I could cut it back and get a lot of begonia starts. I didn’t even think about it until I saw this photo.
This is my temporary rain gauge.  I put out a tray for the birds, doves especially and the chipmunk. Then when it rains and fills up half full I know I have had an inch of rain. On the subject of chipmunk, we saw one yesterday scarring around on a neighbors steps located down the hill from us.  I guess we could have had them the past couple of years and didn’t know they were there. Our development is built on corn fields and bean feels and the land was carved out of timber land.  That timber does circle our development so I could see the critters could be here.  I know the geese are on the edge of town in ponds and other wildlife is out there.

The hanging planter is not outside most of the time because it doesn’t like the hot sun.  So when I do get a rain I put it out to wash it down a little bit.

I don’t have a major project planned for today.  A friend of ours sent us some gladioli bulbs that I will stick in the   ground immediately.  If they don’t bloom this year at least I can get some growth on them before I pull them back up for the winter.  The other glads that I planted are sure slow growing right now.  I hope all are doing well out there.  Thanks for stopping by....


  1. Rain makes for happy flowers, as we can see by the blooms on your pots !
    Rain has fallen for a week around these parts, that's ok too because we really were getting so dry.
    Your yard is always so well-kept and weed-free, it must be sown with some really hardy seed ?
    Love seeing all of your projects Larry, you stay so busy :)

  2. Your grass looks so thick and healthy. Glad you can take a break from watering for a couple of days. Your begonia is lovely. I wish you both a nice weekend.
