Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Wednesday’s Mentions.....

At the southeast end of the house the William Baffin rose blooms many flowers. It is a very hardy variety with its heaving climbing branches.

The wave petunias are slow this  year.  I have had to keep watering them as they don’t seem to be rooting in very well.  I have them planted in a couple of different locations and it will be interesting which spot was the best for them.

I like flowers that look like wild flowers.  I don’t like where the former owners have planted them.  The grow tall in front on fat knock out roses and it looks strange. I did move some of them out of the front planter and may do some more moving once they are done blooming. I don’t know the kind of flower that it is but I bet one of my friends will know.

The weather seems to be raining all week but I am not sure that I might have to water them more anyway.  The raised bed work well if there is a lot of rain but they do dry out quickly.

The Obama administration decided to remove all of our jet aircraft from the Camp Dodge near here.  They did increase the helicopters and drone technology but those are not as exciting as jets. It is nothing for us to hear these helicopters flying over night or day. Sometimes we see them flying in a formation of four or five together at a time.  I know they said it took a lot of money to train the Queen’s oldest grandson to fly a helicopter.  I think training pilots goes on over here.  It is also a reserve site for weekend training.
Most of my hosta are budding or blooming right now.  This is one of my favorite varieties. It hasn’t been in this location for very long times so it will be big and beautiful next spring. They don’t seem to mind the clay in the soil but it takes them time to get itself established.

I have a lot of hosts that probably need to be thinned out.  I am thinking of a new area to start a hosta garden around one tree.  I would rather have hosta growing around the one tree than having to use the grass trimmer around it.

I am dodging rainy weather today in deciding when to mow the old yard at the old place. I was warned of rain this morning and we had sprinkles down here most of the morning.

We are going to escape this afternoon and hit the bookstore for a while. We went for groceries yesterday.  Our store can be such an adventure if you hit it at a prime time.  We were late afternoon and the place was filling in with people as we shopped.  Big grocery stores and lots of people makes for a State Fair environment. We were glad to get out of there with our cart full of food.

It is Wednesday and I hope everyone is doing well.  Thanks for your checking in on my post today.


  1. Pretty flowers in your yard. I love your hostas. We only brought one with us from the old place and it is blooming now. LIke you, I would like to add some around one of our trees, but that will have to wait. Thankfully we do not hear much air traffic here. I dislike going grocery shopping when it is crazy and packed. I hope you two enjoyed the bookstore visit today.

  2. We had hostas when we lived in NJ and then for some reason did nit plant any in the VA yard. I do remember that they were easy to maintain and would soread easily. Hope you miss the rain.
