Saturday, July 27, 2019

Checking in on Saturday......

This honey suckle is still blooming with these small little trumpets. The vine is a tough one that seems to not care about having a lot of moisture.

The blanket flower is also struggling even though I do water it. The sedums in the same area are really perking up and will bloom in a week or so.

The sad thing is that sedum is a fall blooming plant and I am not ready for summer to be over.

More blooms for the clematis.  I need to find something to plant next to it to shade its roots.  I have a host that could do the trick.
I mowed my yard yesterday and that is good as it is very hot today. I was two weeks long on the mowing as it just didn’t need to be mowed.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. The honeysuckle is pretty. Do the hummingbirds love it?
    I miss having sedums. Yours are doing great.
    I really like your clematis. Hoping you can shade the roots.
    Glad you got the grass cut before today's heat. John has sciatica bad in his hip/leg and our grass is getting taller.
