Thursday, July 4, 2019

July Fourth.......

The clouds are breaking up from last nights rain.  We had a lot of rain while visiting the bookstore in West Des Moines yesterday afternoon. It was like a monsoon.  Here at our house we had less and yet it was repeated in the night.

While visiting the Original Pancake House this morning I saw the same clouds.  They were in the north of Ankeny.  So I realize now that our back sided of the house almost faces north and yet it is northeast.

The hollyhocks are really putting on a show. They were dug and brought to the new place about two years ago.  This is the first year for them to bloom.  I wanted the garden of rescued plants to look like a cottage garden and these flowers do help it to look like that.
The butterfly weed happens to be pink but the former owners planted it in the front yard.  I moved it and it is happy in the back yard.  I have seen some monarchs out in the garden but they don’t stay still long enough for a time to photograph them.
In the front yard the daylily is starting to bloom.  It has a large number of buds so  it will bloom for a long time.  I see in the photo that I have a couple of bags of dirt to take down the hill to the backyard.

I have to brag about my new raised garden.  The zinnias have been moved around to be in sort of rows. The whole garden is looking better after two different rainfalls. I have never grown onions before so I will be interested in see how long it will take them to mature. Glads are planted at both ends.  The petunias will probably be overcome once those zinnias kick in and grow.

We are having a low key Fourth of July day.  We did eat out pancakes in the morning but we will be waiting or fireworks  outside our sunroom. The street behind su puts on a show for the whole neighborhood and we have the new glass room in which to watch it.  We may have to go out on the deck though because we may not be able to see the top of the displays.

Having a day to remember our independence day and the development of our democracy is good to have.  A democracy does mean that we have the right to say what is right and wrong. I also means that when laws are made that they are expected to be kept. The state of Iowa is a sanctuary state. It isn’t declared on the news but we have been seeing many changes in our state for ten or more years. Those who work the true facts show we are a big sanctuary. We watched them bus in the invaders with government sponsored buses into our neighboring town for a couple of summers.  It is the unspoken given as they are quickly moved in to the state. We have experienced good things from our invaders and we also have experienced bad things from our invaders. Illegal is illegal and we are expected to look the other way, even if they move in across the street. God’s love will be shown when it can be.  Patience will be given regardless. The politicians that have looked the other way for the past 10 or more years will never be held accountable. Our lives will be forever changed.  The land of the free and the home of the brave now blankets those that our country never expected.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I especially love these cloud photos and the coneflower. We often have thunder but very little rain, so we continue to water. Those hollyhocks are so sweet and yes, it looks like a cottage garden. Can't wait to see your zinnias. I don't think ours every came up.
    I wish you both a nice day. We are staying home today. Weekends and holidays, I usually do not try to drive.

  2. Happy 4th!! I hope you and Della see great fireworks from your sunroom. I didn't realize that Iowa was a sanctuary state. A Law is a law and no one should be above it:) Your flower beds are looking great!
