Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Missed a Day....

I missed a day of blogging.  I guess I was too busy watching the birds. I had filled the bird bath and the dove was enjoying it.

The day was a busy one for sure as I was out buying sand and working on picture frames.  I didn’t work at the house yesterday and I did not go today because I had lifted sand.
My mums had started to bloom as I missed pruning them back on the fourth of July.  They were all trimmed back Monday and the scraps went to the dump yesterday afternoon.  I also pruned off the dead roses on the knock out rose.  I had a lot to cut back as the early rains made them bloom out more than usual. I filled a couple of buckets full to get that job done. Already the roses were starting to bud again so I had to be careful not to remove buds. I learned that early on when I could see I was taking buds off.

This is what it all looks like afterwards but it has to be done.  I know they will come back strong and flower later on in the fall. Doing that job on both roses and mums does put a crick in the back.  Hovering for long periods of time can get painful.
The memory banks at my age seems to be scrambled.  Not two days ago I was bemoaning the fact that the large Asian lily didn’t make the move. At the foot of the stairs outside I see that I placed it in a place of prominence. I did have an orange one jus like it but it just didn’t survive at the old place.  I know that I have lost some of my cemetery iris in the move but I will survive.

Next to the large lily is the hosta that is putting out great blooms. All of my hosta plants are in bloom right now.
This tiger lily is back.  It is a different from of it but I don’t remember the name.  I have three stalks of it so I will be sharing a lot of photos of this.

We had a lot of commotion outside yesterday when the neighbor was having his roof replaced.  There were dozen of men taking off old things and they started reshingling as the old on the other side was being taken off. There were a good variety of men from all races there but the Mexican music was predominate. One young guy was the trash man and he spent his day picking up all that was tossed on the ground during the process.  He was still picking up piece 12 hours later as they were finishing up the job.

My neighbor thinks he had hail damage and he got insurance to pay for most of it. We were not home at the time of the hail so I didn’t see what happen.  If we had hail damage I can’t see it as the shingles are fading anyway.  The neighbor said our shingles are nine months newer than his as he saw ours go on the roof in 2004.

It was a very hot day and men wore long sleeves to keep from scratching their skin.  Some wore bandannas and when we looked out yesterday we could see all sorts of figures doing the work on the roof.

It reminded us of when the sunroom and deck was put on but we had a lot of less people shuffling around.  Our noise was for nine days as theres was a lot less time.  I am in wonder how I forget to blog yesterday but I don’t go back to fill the gap.  I had plenty of photos to share for yesterday but it just happen.  Thanks for checking back in today to see me return.  Have a great day.


  1. The photos of the dove are so sweet. It's always hard to prune back bushes but they always do so much better in the long run. We have a very light-weight plastic chair that we carry around with us and sit to do a lot of pruning. I really like the tiger lily, the big yellow lily and the hosta. We only brought 1 hosta with us, it just got too hot to dig up any more. I surely don't know how some workers can stand the intense heat. We recently had our roof replaced and our HVAC. Such a noisy job for the residents and pets, too!
    Hope you get to feeling better. Yard work can be exhausting.

  2. You're allowed to miss a day now and then!

  3. Never worry about missing a day of blogging, Larry, as we all do that and myself more often lately. The way I see it is that people lead busy lives and I don't expect them to check blogs every day. As much as I do try to visit and comment on fellow blogger's posts, I often fall behind...life gets in the way it seems.

  4. I enjoyed seeing the beautiful doves and your gorgeous flowers! You have such a lovely variety of flowers at your home.
