Saturday, July 13, 2019

Saturday’s Summer Day....

I put out seed in the bowl to attack the mourning doves but I also get all the young sparrows and house finches.

This young sparrow just sits in the seed and picks out what he wants. The doves do that too but any movement is detected by doves so raining a camera to take their picture scares them away quickly.
The back yard roses are getting neglected. I seem to be too busy last week to work back there. I have a lot of dead heading to do on the majority of my roses.  I did get the dead buds of peonies taken off this morning. The knock out roses are on the priority list.  I also have mums that need to be trimmed back as they are blooming right now.

The new phlox is blooming out now but still seems hesitant to fully bloom. I watered them this morning along with all the other flowers.  We have lots of cracks in our ground and are need of some natural rain.

Day lilies that are first time bloomers at the new garden.  I really don’t think that I got all of my collection moved down here but I guess some still need to bloom.

This climates did not bloom last year so I was glad to see this bloom.  It isn’t growing up its trellis very well but it is clinging to the red twig shrub that grows next to it. I did plant a new one this spring but I may not see it bloom.  It is still alive but I have had to keep watering both of them.

It is a warm day today and the grass already looks like it isn’t getting enough water.  It does not take about two or three hot days to move us into summer heat and hot summer weather.  Thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Cute little birds in your photos. I love all the flowers. Glad to see the Clematis blooming and the Phlox is pretty too. We had a good rain last night and it's been thundering this afternoon.
