Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Center of the Week.......

The hosta plants have put out a lot of great blooms this summer.  A couple of good rains really helped to establish strong foliage. Each hosta has its distinct set of blooms but I haven’t taken the time to figure it all out.  I have one hosta among the rocks and it really doesn’t like all of the heat. It is so pale and peaked that I am going to have to move it and fine one that won’t mind the heat.

I have been waiting for my canna to take off and grow.  It just stays the same and there is no flower spike.  I did notice yesterday it is shooting out new sprouts instead of blooming. I may see blooms from it in the fall but so far it has really not given me much of any show.

Our in the same area I have this flower just pop up and bloom.  I am guessing it is a phlox but I don’t have any memories of planing it there last year and I am sure glad I did weed out there very often.   I could have pulled it easily enough. I may move it so I can watch it and help it to grow bigger.

The brown eyed Susans don’t seem too thick this summer but it is a different kind of season for us.  I think the week of heat really was hard on them.

The memorial garden for Barney has a lopsided host planted in it among the hardy geraniums. I see that I have a new leaf developing.  The colors of the geraniums are so great with the two colors on them.  I see them being sold more now than the traditional red ones.  I have the variegated dogwood planted nearby that lets me know when it all needs to be watered.  The dogwood isn’t rooted in much yet so it does droop when it is dry.

I rescued this tiger lily from the old place two years ago.  I had planted it many years ago and really didn’t see it bloom much as it was under a tree.  When we moved and I returned to mow the yard, there it was in bloom.  I dug it in bloom and moved it to the new place.  It has now increased into two stems now.

This is the true variety of tiger lily as far as I am concerned. It is just like the one my grandmother had in her iris bed garden down in southern Iowa. I thought it was so fascinating to see as a kid.  It was of course probably 65 years ago but I still remember it.
This other lily that I bought is called a double petaled tiger lily. They both have those curved petals with all those spots. This too has increased  in number of stalks this spring.
I found some people on the net are calling this a tiger lily but the petals really don’t fit the category.  I can really see the similarities.

I have more work to do in the yard today.  I know the weed eater needs to be brought and used.  We are not mowing in our neighborhood as the grass has stopped growing for now.  It has been two weeks since we cut the grass and in the shade some grass is getting shaggy.  The rest has turned brown. We are having a cooler week though.  Thank you for checking in today.  I wish you all to have a good day.

The view from our hotel room in Chicago. I think they need to work on this a little to make it be more appealing.

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