Thursday, July 11, 2019

Thursday’s Here.....

We spent the morning catching up with friends at the Caribou Coffee place.  They left our area the year after we had married 35 years ago.  They live in Colorado near Denver and come back only in ten year blocks of time.  They had family in our area but they have all passed now and they were here to visit a cousin.  John and Sharon are close to our ages and we spent time catching up on grandkids and old friends that we shared. Sharon had been in our wedding in 1984.

The coffee shop is smaller but very nice.  We knew we would talk for a long time so we sat outside at the tables.The weather was a cooler morning and we didn’t get too much sun until the last time of the visit.  They had been doing missionary trips to Thailand and shared a lot about the part of the country.

I am glad you could check in today.


  1. Good Afternoon,
    Beautiful photos, especially that last cottage garden shot - that would make a lovely notecard.
    Glad you could visit with old friends. Sounds so nice to enjoy coffee outdoors while catching up.

  2. Always lovely to catch up with old friends, just outside Denver was my old stomping ground for a few years :)
    Beautiful flowers, you have such a green thumb !
