Saturday, November 23, 2019

Cloudy to Sunny....

The morning starts out dismal but we do now have a sunny day. The cold air is tolerable but it isn't fall anymore.

 The front yard planter has been readied for the winter.  I cut back the knock out roses a lot as I know they will come back strong. A hint of green is still with the grass as we had lots of rain to keep it that color.
We did lighten up and the clouds are now fluffy. We had frost early morning but it is almost above freezing now. It is Saturday and we are home today.  I don't have any outside work to do other than sweep more sand into the cracks of my paver patio.  The leaves on the front trees was mowed and mulched on Wednesday and the leaves still on the trees are n ot falling.  When they drop another load onto the yard I will mow again, as long as there is no snow on top of them.

The colors of summer and fall are in the bouquet on the dining room table. The lily is a great burst of color reminding me of all the daylily blooms that I did have this past season.  I didn't plant any new plants this year except for the one knock out rose.  I wasn't inspired to plant more bulbs so I didn't buy any of them.

My travels memory today is one of the pottery that was dug up from all the ruins in Jerusalem. I find it fascinating that the shapes are universal and I to can make pots this same size and shape. Clay has a limited but useful way to make containers to hold things. These of course are a few thousand years old.

Thanks for stopping by today.  I wish you all well.

1 comment:

  1. So wonderful that the pottery pieces are still here. Makes one wonder who all has held them and used them. We had light rain all day long.
