Saturday, November 16, 2019

Melting Snow....

Iowa could be more exciting than this but for now we are watching the snow melt. It is fifty degree F. right now and it is good.

It is a nice reprieve from all that miserable cold weather.  I know it is winter but I am not ready for it.

The only snow left on the ground is the where the man made snowbanks were made by snow being piled up away from the road or drive way.

As I continue to download and edit photos I still have a lot of frustration.  I will work with my wife to creat identities of the different locations.  The pottery was found as they worked the King David's palce.  Oil lamps seem plentiful as they needed them at night for lighting.

The trees that are growing all around the temple mount have had their trunks painted white.. I don't know why unless they are preventing insects from going into the trunks.

Our Asian Minister's son, Andrew, traveled with us on our tour. He sometimes had to just take a break and play a game on his phone. He happens to be on the temple mount there while working his phone. He was making a video lesson of the whole tour to share with is class when he returned to school.  He had a lot of good material to use for teaching to his fellow students.

We hit the bookstore this morning and are back home now.  We still are adjusting to the time switch of being on the opposite side of the world.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Glad your snow is melting and that you two enjoyed a bookstore visit. I am enjoying the photos from your awesome trip. Cute about the boy taking a break! I hope you both get adjusted to the time soon.

  2. We still have just a touch of snow in shady places, and was on some roads that had ice on them earlier today...I could not believe it was still hanging around

  3. Sometimes they paint trees white to reflect the sun...not sure if that is why they did it just an idea:)
