Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Valuted Ceilings and Stuff......

Our group sang in this church. It was common for different tour groups to got to different areas and sing their favorite songs.  One place we sang was next to the area where the empty tomb was.  As we sang a young man across the way turned smiled and just sang along.

The Roman architecture is there because Rome invades all the lands around the Mediterranean Sea, above and below.

I do want to create a blog of our total journey from Istanbul to Tel Aviv and then throughout Israel. I am still organizing my thoughts and photos.  It also is starting the new blog and going beyond the jitters of just getting started.

Some of the churches were built in the early 1900s.  This one was build on top of the site of two different older ones earlier in history. The church sits on the hill above the Mount of Olives.

Thank you for stopping by today.  We are staying at home for Thanksgiving and our weather person says we are going to be lucky to stay out of the storm. We will drive out to see our kids and grand kids in the Chicago area at Christmas time. We have had a lot of Thanksgivings alone and it works for us when it happens. We will cook some traditional things on a smaller scale. I hope all are well out there today.


  1. Breathtakingly beautiful !
    I can only imagine the acoustics inside those stone walls.
    Staying home for Thanksgiving and out of the bad weather, sounds like the perfect plan.
    Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving Larry and family.

  2. How cool to sing there! I love that first shot.
