Saturday, December 21, 2019

December 21st......

The train is busy carrying kids on loops around the track. We were to return one more time today to this mall as we were just too tired to get it all done yesterday.  Today we did well and by the time we finished the crowd was just starting to get hectic.

Santa was taking a break before they opened the door to let more kids into the area. Santa had a helper who maybe wasn't so scary as the guy with all those wiskers.

I think the guy is selling flowers to the girl. I like seeing the horse drawn wagons in the village. We have put the village up early this year so we can enjoy it more.

I haven't been out to take photos of my neighbors lights but I will probably soon.  He loved putting things up and has every space filled with trees or blown up snowmen. He has three deer that look really great. Our neighbor hood is not decorating so much compare the the street east of us. I live next to two houses that don't decorate ever.

Thanks for stopping by today. I wish everyone to be well and that the season is a fun one for everyone.


  1. We haven't been to the local mall yet this year, even before the holidays arrived! But, maybe on Monday we will consider a visit as all the gifts are wrapped anc stored in our car for our post Christmas family visit. And, we have a get together here at our place this weekend which will be over and done, so we may go out and enjoy the hecticness of other crazy shoppers.

  2. Good then your house looks really good in between those who do not decorate! :)
