Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Eve is upon us........

My garden downstairs stays green. I try not to over water them as the indoor climate is nothing like the summer weather.

I don't want to call it boring but it is not so exciting when it gets cold out there. Our skiff of snow is not a problem but the winds have been so cold.

I am sharing some Christmas photos of family. Ella was not so interested in what the stuff animal could be but she did like the stringy mane.

Our son Andy lies to rough house with his kids. This is Teddy who likes to rock and roll around.

Teddy came to visit us and do a little squirreling around. He is the middle child and is a little bashful. When he came over to us it was time to tickle him.

Our Christmas gift was a hit for AJ as he shared with us he can get on the internet and find one more way to put this together.  It already has directions for three different ways to assemble it.

Right after we had arrive to the house, AJ proceeded to place everyone's present in their own piles. Teddy is just young enough to no understand who's was who's. You can be sure that AJ set him straight about not opening his gift.

Once he found his piles he did get into unwrapping the gifts.

It was fun to spend a couple of days with the kids and grand kids. We finished off our day at a pancake place and then returned to there home for one more goodbye.

Thanks for stopping by today. It is New Years Eve and I hope everyone is well out there.


  1. Are you guys like us...hate saying good bye...the day Lorelei gets here, if I am not careful, I dread her going home. And she only lives 20 minutes away.

    Ella is so adorable...and the boys are cute. Looks like such a fun time.

  2. I am so happy you got to visit them! Hope your weather was good traveling! Happy New Year!
