Monday, January 13, 2020

Art AJ.

Our grandson AJ likes that he has an art gallery all over his house. When you make Santa and reindeer you just use two sheets of paper. I am glad he is confident with his art work. I had to smile when I saw the reindeer as his drawing of the antlers looked exactly like his father's drawings 37 years ago.

A portrait of Santa is proudly displayed. He took me around the house to take the photos and describe his work.

Ella can sit up on her own but big brother AJ thinks she needs some bracing by his torso. He really likes his baby sister and she really likes him to. She gets a big smile when he gets into her face.
One of the many vehicles that AJ owns. His collection keeps evolving as his interests develop.  It was a train world a few years ago but now it is things with wheels that interest him.  He is still a Lego fanatic.

I couldn't fine one of his creations right now so I will share mine with you.

Snow blowing snow at two different properties today. The one to the north is getting more snow right now but it won't account to be so much in depth.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. He will be a great artist someday! I love how children are not afraid to draw....

  2. What a little artist AJ is! Oh that Ella is a sweet one:)
