Sunday, January 5, 2020

Backstage Happenings.....

The ornaments were removed yesterday. Late this afternoon the lights came off. The tree went into the boxes and are in the basement now. I am eating homemade peanut brittle with coffee right now as I blog.  A friend at church brought to me as he makes it so great and I brag about how it is the best in the whole world. It is a microwave recipe and it is light and not hard when you bite into it.

I didn't take a photo of the empty spot in which the tree was standing but I did get it vacuumed. Two trees down and three to go.

The Christmas angel sits now where the tree once stood. This is a late posting of the blog but I really did need so pictures to share.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Probably should pack up ours as well, But I still enjoy the lights at night. Besides, we set it up later than usual this year. Why not give it a few more days....

  2. I got one done, my Shiny Brite tree can stay up awhile:)

  3. The tree is really nice. Big and full!
