Wednesday, January 29, 2020


I had the sansivera in its original plastic pot a long time and finally I bought a new ceramic flower pot yesterday. I bought violet potting soil and mixed it with some of my old regular potting soil. While buying the soil I got caught in a conversation with the sales clerk about growing African violets. I wasn't impatient but didn't have time to the subject matter right then.

I brought this out a few days ago seeing that it is ready to bloom again.  It was sitting on a dark shelf in the storage room.  After seeing the success of this amaryllis I looked around and found another one to put out into the light and  add water. I think it may have been a two year old bulb. I missed buying any this year to give as gifts or even to pick up for myself at a cheap price.

We lost something valuable the other day and we spent a lot of time looking for it. Finally I did find it but it was my fault that it was lost.  Anyway, I though my wife deserved some flowers after all she has to put up with me. I found flowers that had a lot of buds on them so we could enjoy seeing them open up.  They really are cheerful with all the snow on the ground.

While digging in the dirt yesterday, I took a very large overgrown violet and divided it into four plants.  The original plant still could have had another division but I thought it might just die if I cut it away.  Maybe at a another time I can correct that. It is nice to have the basement windows to use for a nursery area. I don't remember what color the violet is as it has been in a bad shape for a long time.

I picked up a new one yesterday for three bucks at the grocery store. I remember when my mom would start violets from the leaves.  I actually remember when I started them from leaves too.  Life just seemed to get too complicated.  I wouldn't want to say this buy my mom used to steal leaves from people's houses as she visited them to clean them.  I think she did ask permission for some of them. I do know that the right conditions will make it easy to propagate new ones.

We had about an inch of snow in the night.  I may have to get out a broom to sweep it off the sidewalks as it isn't heavy enough to blow. We are colder again but it is winter.  Thanks for stopping in at the post today.


  1. So you must have put something away so good that it was hard to find! I am certain Della appreciated the flowers! Your plants look new snow here but we may get rain/ice overnight :(

  2. Oh, I feel for you losing something valuable! Glad you found it.

    My mom started violets from leaves, too. I was wondering if I was remembering correctly about that...did not know if it could be done. But was sure she did it.

    She had a friend that could just stick almost anything in water and start it.
